Google Sharing Settings

Post date: Mar 28, 2016 1:33:25 PM

By default when you start working on a Google Apps for Education file, the sharing permissions are set to private. The blue "Share" button found at the top right of the screen allows you to set the sharing settings to grant access to your files as desired.

The following sharing options are available for selection while using your Summit Board of Education Google Account:

Share with specific people

If you wish to share your file directly with individual users and specific permissions, after clicking on the blue share button you can do so by entering their email addresses. Please be aware the default setting is "Can edit" but you can change this to either “Can comment” or “Can view” if you wish.

Share for limited time

After sharing a file with individual users, you can choose to give a person access to the document for a restricted period of time. To do so, hover over the individual users name in the advanced sharing list and a clock icon will appear.

Click on the icon to select an expiration date for that user to be able to view or comment on the file. Please be aware you can only give limited time permissions to viewers or commenters of the document and not editors.

Share folders

One of the most effective ways of sharing multiple documents with specific users is through sharing a folder from your Google Drive instead of by sharing individual documents. By creating a shared folder, any files that you create or place in the folder share the same permissions of the folder. After visiting your Drive in Google Chrome and finding the folder you would like to share, click on it once for it to highlight in blue and several icons will then appear. By clicking on the "head and plus sign icon" you will be provided with the same sharing settings as you would by working with a file!